Save-managing utilities, such as Wrye Bash, change this for you. SLocalSavePath=Saves\FolderForYour(Current)Profile "Regular" Oblivion INI edits smainmenumovie=Map Loop.bik

Warning! DO NOT MODIFY Oblivion_default.ini unless you are sure you know what you are doing. Here is a collection of safe edits, in addition to the ones mentioned above. Oblivion will not overwrite an existing INI. Regerating the INI is as simple as moving the current one out of your "My Games\Oblivion" folder (to make sure you have a back up) and clicking on the launcher. (Ask if you are unsure about a settings existence and/or placement, which group it belongs to.) Also, remember to try regenerating your Oblivion INI files when troubleshooting CTD on load and related issues. Also, if you find that you are missing certain lines or settings, you can add them if you know they exist. Many of the available tweak guides are out-of-date, so if you are thinking about "tweaking" your INI, find current information about it before doing so. (This is epecially true of the v updated INI file.) Other safe edits are changing your main menu videos, border regions, screenshot and other INI settings that are required for visual enhancement or reduction. Most of the default settings in the Oblivion.ini (especially after applying the latest patch).

As a result, if the sArchiveList where BSA files can be registered for the game to load exceeds that limit, some BSA files will not be loaded, which can cause instant crashes and other issues.